Page 221 - C++
P. 221

(ii) What is the degree and the cardinality of the above table?                           [2]

              b) Consider the following tables STATIONARY and CONSUMER. Write SQL commands for the
          statement (i) to (iv) and output for SQL queries (v) to (viii) :
                                                                        Table  : STATIONARY
                          S_ID            StationaryName  Company               Price
                          DP01            Dot Pen            ABC                10
                          PL02            Pencil             XYZ                6
                          ER05            Eraser             XYZ                7
                          PL01            Pencil             CAM                5
                          GP02            Gel Pen            ABC                15

                                                                       Table  :  CONSUMER
          C_ID                    ConsumerName                  Address                  S_ID
          01                      Good Learner                  Delhi                    PL01
          06                      Write Well                    Mumbai                   GP02
          12                      Topper                        Delhi                    DP01
          15                      Write and Draw
              (i)  To display the details of those consumers whose Address is Delhi .
              (ii) To display the details of Stationary whose Price is in the range of 8 to 15 . (Both value included)
              (iii)To display the ConsumerName , Address from Table Consumer , and Company and Price from
                     table Stationary, with their corresponding matching S_ID .
              (iv) To increase the Price of all stationary by 2 .
              (v) SELECT   DISTINCT  Address  FROM     CONSUMER  .
              (vi) SELECT  Company , MAX(Price) , MIN(Price) , COUNT(*)
                       FROM    STATIONARY  GROUP BY Company ;

              (vii)   SELECT Consumer , ConsumerName , Stationary.StationaryName , Stationary.Price
                     FROM  Stationary , Consumer WHERE Consumer.S_ID=Stationary.S_ID ;
              (viii)  Select StationaryName , Price*3 From Stationary ;                                 [6]

          Q.6 a)State and verify the De-Morgan’s Theorem (Any One) algebraically .                      [2]
                 b) Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit :-          [1]





                c) Write the Sum of Product form and Product of Sum form of the function F(P,Q,R) for the
                     following truth table representation of F :                                        [2]

                         P             Q              R             F
                         0              0             0             1
                         0              0             1             0
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