Page 236 - C++
P. 236

(c)   Define a class RING in Python with following specifications :                    4
                         Instance Attributes

                         - RingID           # Numeric value with a default value 101

                         – Radius           # Numeric value with a default value 10

                         – Area             # Numeric value

                         Methods :
                         – AreaCal()  # Method to calculate Area as

                                            # 3.14*Radius*Radius

                         – NewRing()  # Method to allow user to enter values of

                                            # RingID and Radius. It should also

                                            # Call AreaCal Method
                         – ViewRing()  # Method to display all the Attributes

                   (d)  Differentiate  between  static  and  dynamic  binding  in  Python  ?  Give  suitable

                         examples of each.                                                                2
                   (e)   Write  two  methods  in  Python  using  concept  of  Function  Overloading

                         (Polymorphism) to perform the following operations :                               2

                         (i)   A  function  having  one  argument  as  side,  to  calculate  Area  of  Square  as

                         (ii)  A function having two arguments as Length and Breadth, to calculate Area of
                              Rectangle as Length*Breadth.

             3.    (a)   What will be the status of the following list after the First, Second and Third pass
                         of the bubble sort method used for arranging the following elements in descending

                         order ?                                                                          3

                         Note : Show the status of all the elements after each pass very clearly underlining
                         the changes.

                         152, 104, –100, 604, 190, 204

                   (b)  Write definition of a method OddSum(NUMBERS) to add those values in the list
                         of NUMBERS, which are odd.                                                         3

                   (c)   Write Addnew(Book) and Remove(Book) methods in Python to Add a new Book
                         and Remove a Book from a List of Books, considering them to act as PUSH and

                         POP operations of the data structure Stack.                                        4
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