Page 238 - C++
P. 238

                                               (For all the Candidates)

             5.    (a)   Observe  the  following  table  CANDIDATE  carefully  and  write  the  name  of  the

                         RDBMS  operation  out  of  (i)  SELECTION  (ii)  PROJECTION  (iii)  UNION

                         (iv)  CARTESIAN  PRODUCT,  which  has  been  used  to  produce  the  output  as

                         shown in RESULT. Also, find the Degree and Cardinality of the RESULT.            2
                         TABLE : CANDIDATE

                           NO      NAME          STREAM

                           C1  AJAY          LAW

                           C2  ADITI         MEDICAL

                           C3  ROHAN         EDUCATION

                           C4  RISHAV  ENGINEERING


                          NO  NAME

                          C3  ROHAN

                   (b)  Write  SQL  queries  for  (i)  to  (iv)  and  find  outputs  for  SQL  queries  (v)  to  (viii),

                         which are based on the tables :                                                  6

                         TABLE : BOOK

                          Code  BNAME                                     TYPE

                          F101  The priest                                Fiction

                          L102  German easy                               Literature

                          C101  Tarzan in the lost world  Comic

                          F102  Untold Story                              Fiction

                          C102  War heroes                                Comic

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