Page 237 - C++
P. 237
(d) Write definition of a Method AFIND(CITIES) to display all the city names from a
list of CITIES, which are starting with alphabet A. 2
For example :
If the list CITIES contains
The following should get displayed
(e) Evaluate the following Postfix notation of expression : 2
4. (a) Differentiate between file modes r+ and w+ with respect to Python. 1
(b) Write a method in Phyton to read lines from a text file DIARY.TXT, and display
those lines, which are starting with an alphabet ‘P’. 2
(c) Considering the following definition of class COMPANY, write a method in
Python to search and display the content in a pickled file COMPANY.DAT, where
CompID is matching with the value ‘1005’. 3
class Company:
self.CompID = CID # CompID Company ID
self.CName = NAM # CName Company Name
self.Turnover = 1000
def Display(self):
print self.CompID,":",self.CName,":",self.Tunover
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