Page 239 - C++
P. 239

                          MNO       MNAME               CODE  ISSUEDATE
                          M101  RAGHAV SINHA  L102  2016-10-13
                          M103  SARTHAK JOHN  F102  2017-02-23
                          M102  ANISHA KHAN             C101  2016-06-12
                         (i)   To  display  all  details  from  table  MEMBER  in  descending  order  of

                         (ii)  To display the BNO and BNAME of all Fiction Type books from the table
                         (iii)  To  display  the  TYPE  and  number  of  books  in  each  TYPE  from  the  table
                         (iv)  To  display  all  MNAME  and  ISSUEDATE  of  those  members  from  table
                              MEMBER who have books issued (i.e. ISSUEDATE) in the year 2017.
                         (v)  SELECT MAX(ISSUEDATE) FROM MEMBER;
                         (vi)  SELECT DISTINCT TYPE FROM BOOK;

                         (vii)  SELECT A.CODE,BNAME,MNO,MNAME
                              FROM BOOK A, MEMBER B WHERE A.CODE=B.CODE;
                         (viii) SELECT BNAME FROM BOOK
                              WHERE TYPE NOT IN ("FICTION","COMIC");

             6.    (a)   State Distributive Laws of Boolean Algebra and verify them using truth table.    2
                   (b)  Draw  the  Logic  Circuit  of  the  following  Boolean  Expression  using  only  NAND

                         Gates :                                                                          2
                         X.Y + Y.Z
                   (c)   Derive a Canonical SOP expression for a Boolean function F, represented by the
                         following truth table :                                                          1
                           U  V  W  F(U,V,W)

                           0  0  0             1
                           0  0  1             0

                           0  1  0             1
                           0  1  1             1

                           1  0  0             0

                           1  0  1             0
                           1  1  0             1

                           1  1  1             0
                   (d)  Reduce the following Boolean Expression to its simplest form using K-Map :        3

                         F(X,Y,Z,W) =       Σ ΣΣ Σ(0,1,2,3,4,5,10,11,14)
             91/1                                          14
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