Page 339 - C++
P. 339

(b)     Write  SQL  queries  for  (i)  to  (iv)  and  find  outputs  for  SQL  queries
                   (v) to (viii), which are based on the tables.                                   6

                                     TABLE : ACCOUNT
                    ANO        ANAME                           ADDRESS
                    101        Nirja Singh                     Bangalore

                    102        Rohan Gupta                     Chennai
                    103        Ali Reza                        Hyderabad
                    104        Rishabh Jain                    Chennai

                    105        Simran Kaur                     Chandigarh

                                          TABLE : TRANSACT

                     TRNO       ANO  AMOUNT            TYPE                 DOT
                     T001       101        2500  Withdraw              2017-12-21
                     T002       103        3000      Deposit           2017-06-01
                     T003       102        2000  Withdraw              2017-05-12

                     T004       103        1000      Deposit           2017-10-22
                     T005       101       12000      Deposit           2017-11-06

                   (i)     To  display  details of  all  transactions  of TYPE Deposit  from
                           Table TRANSACT.
                   (ii)    To  display  the  ANO  and  AMOUNT  of  all  Deposits  and
                           Withdrawals done in the month of October 2017 from table

                   (iii)   To display the last date of transaction (DOT) from the table
                           TRANSACT for the Accounts having ANO as 103.
                   (iv)    To display all ANO, ANAME and DOT of those persons from
                           tables  ACCOUNT  and  TRANSACT  who  have  done
                           transactions less than or equal to 3000.
                   (v)     SELECT ANO, ANAME FROM ACCOUNT

                           WHERE ADDRESS NOT IN ('CHENNAI', 'BANGALORE');
                   (vi)    SELECT DISTINCT ANO FROM TRANSACT;
                   (vii)   SELECT ANO, COUNT(*), MIN(AMOUNT) FROM TRANSACT
                           GROUP BY ANO HAVING COUNT(*)> 1;

                   (viii)  SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(AMOUNT) FROM TRANSACT
                           WHERE DOT <= '2017-06-01';
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