Page 338 - C++
P. 338


                                    [For all the candidates]

      5.   (a)     Observe  the  following  tables  VIDEO  and  MEMBER  carefully  and
                   write  the  name  of  the  RDBMS  operation  out  of  (i)  SELECTION

                   (ii) PROJECTION (iii) UNION (iv) CARTESIAN PRODUCT, which
                   has been used to produce the output as shown below. Also, find the

                   Degree and Cardinality of the final result.                                     2

                                       TABLE : VIDEO
                    VNO          VNAME                            TYPE

                    F101         The Last Battle                  Fiction
                    C101         Angels and Devils                Comedy
                    A102         Daredevils                       Adventure

                                       TABLE : MEMBER

                    MNO          MNAME
                    M101         Namish Gupta
                    M102         Sana Sheikh

                    M103         Lara James

                                         TABLE : FINAL RESULT

                    VNO  VNAME                        TYPE           MNO  MNAME
                    F101  The Last Battle             Fiction        M101 Namish Gupta

                    F101  The Last Battle             Fiction        M102 Sana Sheikh
                    F101  The Last Battle             Fiction        M103 Lara James
                    C101  Angels and Devils  Comedy                  M101 Namish Gupta

                    C101  Angels and Devils  Comedy                  M102 Sana Sheikh
                    C101  Angels and Devils  Comedy                  M103 Lara James
                    A102  Daredevils                  Adventure M101 Namish Gupta

                    A102  Daredevils                  Adventure M102 Sana Sheikh
                    A102  Daredevils                  Adventure M103 Lara James

      91                                            19                                        P.T.O.
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