Page 47 - C++
P. 47

MB001         Galaxy         300           Classic Mobile Store
                                (½ mark for correct output)

                         (viii)  5450
                                (½ mark for correct output)

        Q6.  (a)     State & prove De-Morgan‟s law using truth table.                                               2

               Ans  De-morgan‟s Law:  (A+B)‟ = A‟.B‟
                                           (A.B)‟ = A‟+B‟

                     Proof using Truth Table

                      A         B         A+B       (A+B)‟  A‟           B‟        A‟.B‟
                      0         0         0         1         1          1         1

                      0         1         1         0         1          0         0

                      1         0         1         0         0          1         0
                      1         1         1         0         0          0         0

                     (½ mark each  for stating correct De-morgan‟s law)
                     (1 mark for correct proof)

               (b)   Draw the equivalent logic circuit diagram of the following Boolean expression:-                2
                                           (A‟ + B).C‟

               Ans  Logic Circuit Diagram for (A‟ + B).C‟ is given as:-

                     (½ mark each for correct placement of gate)
               (c)   Write the SOP form for the Boolean Function F(X,Y,Z) represented by the given truth            1

                                              X          Y           Z           F

                                              0           0          0           0

                                              0           0          1           1
                                              0           1          0           1

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