Page 49 - C++
P. 49

identify the URL & domain name.
               Ans  URL:

                     Domain name:

                     (½ mark for each correct answer)

               (b)   Which out of the following does not come under Cyber Crime?                                    1
                      (i)  Copying  data  from  the  social  networking  account  of  a  person  without  his/her

                          information & consent.
                      (ii)  Deleting some files, images, videos, etc. from a friend‟s computer with his consent.

                      (iii) Viewing  &  transferring  funds  digitally  from  a  person‟s  bank  account  without

                          his/her knowledge.
                      (iv)  Intentionally  making  a  false  account  on  the  name  of  a  celebrity  on  a  social

                          networking site.
               Ans  (ii)

                     (1 mark for correct answer)
               (c)   Expand the following:-                                                                         1

                         1.  GSM                  2. TDMA

               Ans  GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication
                     TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access

                     (½ mark for each correct answer)

               (d)   What is the significance of cookies stored on a computer?                                      1
               Ans  Cookies is small text file that web servers send to a web browser so that the web server

                     can keep track of the user‟s activity on a particular website.

                     (1 mark for correct answer)

               (e)   Kabir wants to purchase a Book online and placed the order for that book using an e-           1

                     commerce website. Now, he is going to pay the amount for that book online using his
                     Mobile, he needs which of the following to complete the online transaction:-

                         1.  A bank account,
                         2.  A Mobile connection/phone which is attached to above bank account,

                         3.  The mobile banking app of the above bank installed on that mobile,

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