Page 48 - C++
P. 48

0           1          1           0
                                              1           0          0           0

                                              1           0          1           0

                                              1           1          0           1
                                              1           1          1           1

               Ans  SOP Form is : X‟.Y‟.Z + X‟.Y.Z‟ + X.Y.Z‟ + X.Y.Z

                     (1 mark for correct answer)
                     Note: Deduct ½ mark if wrong variable names are written in the expression
               (d)   Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map:-                                          3
                                   F(U,V,W,Z)= π(0,2,5,7,12,13,15)

               Ans  POS form using K-Map is given as:-

                     Quad 1: (V‟+Z')
                     Pair 1: (U+V+Z)

                     Pair 2: (U‟+V‟+W)
                     POS Form: (V‟+Z').(U+V+Z).(U‟+V‟+W)

                     ( ½ Mark for drawing K‐Map with correct variable names)
                     ( ½ Mark each for correct placement of 0)
                     ( ½ Mark each for 3 groupings)
                     ( ½ Mark for writing final expression in reduced/minimal form)
                     Note: Deduct ½ mark if wrong variable names are used

        Q7.  (a)     A  teacher  provides  “”  to  his/her  students  to        1

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