Page 50 - C++
P. 50

4.  Login credentials(UserId & Password) provided by the bank,
                         5.  All of above.

               Ans  Option No.5

                     (1 mark for correct answer)

               (f)   What do you mean by data encryption? For what purpose it is used for?                          1
               Ans  Data encryption is a technique used for data security in which original message is

                     converted  or  encoded  using  an  algorithm  into  a  form  not  understood  by  anyone

                     except the person who has the key to decode it.

                     (½ mark for correct definition)
                     (½ mark for its purpose:  data security)

               (g)   Sanskar University of Himachal Pradesh is setting up a secured network for its campus at
                     Himachal Pradesh for operating their day-to-day office & web based activities. They are

                     planning to have network connectivity between four buildings. Answer the question (i) to

                     (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus & other details which are
                     given below:

                                     Admin                      Building


                     The distances between various buildings of university are given as:-
                                    Building 1             Building 2         Distance(in mtrs.)

                                      Main                   Admin                    50

                                      Main                  Finance                  100
                                      Main                 Academic                   70

                                      Admin                 Finance                   50
                                     Finance               Academic                   70

                                      Admin                Academic                   60

                     Number of computers:-
                                                        Page No. 33
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55