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P. 42

Cash Flow Statement—Based on Accounting Standard-3 (Revised)                   3.17
                     Solution:                             Clay Ltd.
                                         CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31st March, 2020
                     Particulars                                                            `       `
                       I.  Cash Flow from Operating Activities
                          Net Profit before Tax (WN 1)                                    4,30,000
                          Add:  Non-cash and Non-Operating Expenses:
                             Intangible Fixed Assets Amortised (` 1,00,000 – ` 50,000)     50,000
                             Depreciation on Plant and Machinery (` 3,00,000 – ` 2,70,000)   30,000
                             Debentures Interest (` 4,00,000 × 10/100)                     40,000
                             Interest on Bank Loan (10% of ` 50,000)                        5,000
                        Less:  Non-Operating Income:
                             Interest on Non-current Investments                            6,000
                          Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes                 5,49,000
                          Add:  Increase in Current Liabilities and Decrease in Current Assets:
                             Trade Payables (Trade Creditors)                               5,000
                             Inventories                                                   10,000
                        Less:  Increase in Current Assets and Decrease in Current Liabilities:
                             Trade Receivables                                            (40,000)
                             Trade Payables (Bills Payable)                               (30,000)
                          Cash Generated from Operations                                  4,94,000
                          Less:  Tax paid                                                 (60,000)
                        Cash Flow from Operating Activities                                       4,34,000
                       II.  Cash Flow from Investing Activities
                          Proceeds from Sale of Building (` 4,00,000 – ` 2,50,000)        1,50,000
                          Purchase of 10% Investments (WN 4)                             (1,60,000)
                          Sale of 10% Investments                                          55,000
                          Interest on 10% Investments                                       6,000
                          Cash Flow from Investing Activities                                      51,000
                       III.  Cash Flow from Financing Activities
                          Proceeds from Issue of Shares                                   3,00,000
                          Payment of Interim Dividend                                     (50,000)
                          Final Dividend Paid (` 1,15,000 – ` 20,000)                     (95,000)
                          Redemption of 10% Debentures                                   (1,00,000)
                          Interest on Debentures (` 40,000 – ` 10,000)                    (30,000)
                          Share Issue Expenses paid                                       (40,000)
                          Proceeds from Bank Loan                                          50,000
                          Interest on Bank Loan                                            (5,000)
                        Cash Flow from Financing Activities                                        30,000
                       IV.  Net Increase in Cash and Bank Balances (I + II + III)                 5,15,000
                       V.  Add:  Opening Balance of Cash and Bank Balances                        3,95,000
                       VI.  Cash and Bank Balances at the end (IV + V)                            9,10,000

                     Working Notes:
                     1.  Calculation of Net Profit before Tax:                                      `
                        Closing Balance of Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss   3,15,000
                        Less:  Opening Balance of Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss   1,25,000
                        Add:  Provision for Tax made during the Current Year (WN 2)                75,000
                            Dividend Paid for the Current Year (Proposed Dividend for 2018–19)     1,15,000
                            Interim Dividend                                                       50,000
                        Net Profit before Tax                                                    4,30,000
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