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Exploring Physics - ICSE IX

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Exploring Physics - ICSE IX

Author:- N.K. Seghal, K.L. Chopra, D.L.Sehgal
Board:- ICSE
Class:- 9
Subject:- Physics
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9789390851515
301.50 335.00

Book Detail

· In depth discussion of the subject in simple language and lucid  style.
· Each concept and idea related to day-to-day life situations.
· ‘Ab-initio’ discussion of all the concepts for quick understanding.
· A large number of illustrative, eye-catching diagrams.
· Wide range of questions—essay, short answer, reasoning and objective type— and numerical problems provided in each unit.
· A  comprehensive  ‘Index’  at  the  end  for  easy reference.

Pane 2 Content

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