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Principles of Microeconomics B.Com & B.A.

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Principles of Microeconomics B.Com & B.A.

Author:- Vandana Sethi, B.K. Bhargava
Board:- Higher Education
Class:- Higher Education
Subject:- Economics
Language:- English
ISBN:- 978 81 8350 291 7
189.00 210.00

Book Detail

The book has been designed to cater the needs of the undergraduate students of economics. It broadly covers various kinds of economic problems facing consumers, producers, firms and industries and provides insight into the decision making process of all these entities. Starting with the simple demand-supply analysis, the discussion moves over to the consumers theory, production analysis and the market structures. Practical applications of the various tools developed in theoretical economics have also been discussed. Success and failure of the markets and the need for governmental intervention have also been analysed. The book includes a discussion of international trade and trade policy analysis. Written in a simple and lucid style, the book provides useful study material for the university students as well as those taking competitive examinations.

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