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Essentials of Managerial Economics

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Essentials of Managerial Economics

Author:- I.C. Dhingra
Board:- Higher Education
Class:- Higher Education
Subject:- Economics
Language:- English
ISBN:- 978 81 8350 439 3
355.50 395.00

Book Detail

The book presents the syllabus requirements of different Indian Universities and Business Management Schools in a concise and lucid manner. Salient Features & Suitable examples and illustrations from real business situations reinforce the concepts. & Schedules and tabular presentations have been used to develop logical reasoning. & Neat and clear diagrams support the text. & Simple algebra is used at places for easy understanding.& Practical exercises with solutions have been provided. & A number of case studies covering different topics have been included. & Review questions at the end of each chapter are an aid to self-evaluation.

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