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Chapter 5  Admission of a Partner  5.47
                       26.  A,  B and  C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. On 31st March, 2018, their
                          Balance Sheet was:
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Creditors                          64,000   Cash at Bank                      18,000
                     Employees’ Provident Fund          32,000   Bills Receivable                  24,000
                     Profit and Loss A/c                14,000   Furniture                         28,000
                     Capital A/cs:                              Stock                              44,000
                     A                         36,000           Debtors                            42,000
                     B                         44,000           Investments                        32,000
                     C                         52,000  1,32,000  Machinery                         34,000
                                                                Goodwill                           20,000
                                                       2,42,000                                   2,42,000

                          They admit D into partnership on the following terms:
                          (a)  Furniture, Investments and Machinery to be depreciated by 15%.
                          (b)  Stock is revalued at ` 48,000.
                          (c)  Goodwill to be valued at ` 24,000.
                          (d)  Employees’ Provident Fund liability is to be increased by ` 1,800.
                          (e)  Prepaid Salaries ` 800.
                          (f )  D to bring in ` 36,000 towards capital for 1/6th share and Partners to readjust their Capital Accounts
                             on the basis of their profit-sharing ratio.
                          (g)  D is not in a position to bring in any amount for his share of firm’s goodwill. The partners decide
                             that the necessary adjustments should be made through D’s Current Account.
                          Prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts, Bank Account and Balance Sheet of the
                          new firm.                                         [Ans.: Loss on Revaluation—` 11,100;
                                            Partners’ Capital Accounts:  A—` 36,000; B—` 54,000; C—` 90,000; D—` 36,000.
                                                 A will bring ` 2,620; B will bring ` 13,930 and C will bring ` 44,550 in Cash.
                                                           Cash at Bank—` 1,15,100; Balance Sheet Total—` 3,13,800.]
                          [Hint: For Adjustment of Goodwill:
                                Dr. D’s Current A/c—` 4,000;
                                Cr. A’s Capital A/c—` 800; B’s Capital A/c—` 1,200 and C’s Capital A/c—` 2,000.]
                       27.  A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2. They admit C into the firm for 3/7th share in
                          profits which he takes 2/7th from A and 1/7th from B and brings ` 10,000 as premium out of his share
                          of ` 16,000. Pass Journal entries for the above.
                                                   [Ans.:  (i)  Dr. Bank A/c and Cr. Premium for Goodwill A/c by ` 10,000.
                                                         (ii)  Dr. Premium for Goodwill A/c—` 10,000;
                                                             Cr. A’s Capital A/c—` 6,667 and B’s Capital  A/c—` 3,333.
                                                        (iii)  Dr. C’s Current A/c—` 6,000;
                                                             Cr. A’s Capital A/c—` 4,000 and B’s Capital A/c—` 2,000.]
                       28.  X  and  Y  are  partners  in  a  firm  sharing  profits  and  losses  in  the  ratio  of  3  :  2. They  admit  Z  as  a  new
                          partner for 1/5th share. Goodwill of the firm is valued at ` 10,000. Goodwill already appears in the books
                          at  ` 5,000.  Z brings in 60% of his share of goodwill and  ` 40,000 as his capital in cash. The amount
                          of goodwill brought in cash is withdrawn by the concerned partners to the extent of 30% of what is
                          credited to them. The profit for the first year of new partnership amounted to ` 20,000.
                          Pass necessary Journal entries to adjust goodwill and to distribute profits.
                                                   [Ans.: Sacrificing Ratio—3 : 2 and New Profit-sharing Ratio—12 : 8 : 5.]
                       29.  A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3/4 : 1/4. They agree to admit C into the
                          business.  C is to get 1/4th share of future profits. At the time of  C’s admission, there was a General
                          Reserve of  ` 4,000 appearing in the Balance Sheet of  A and  B. Revaluation of assets and liabilities
                          resulted in gain of ` 2,000. Pass necessary Journal entries on C’s admission.
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