Page 130 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 130

5.46  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                       24.  Amrit  and Baldev were carrying on  business  in  partnership  sharing profits in  the  ratio  of 3 :  2. Their
                          Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018 was:
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `
                     Amrit’s Capital           50,000           Land and Building                  25,000
                     Baldev’s Capital          25,000   75,000  Furniture                          10,000
                     Creditors                          16,000  Stock                              46,000
                     Bills Payable                      14,000   Debtors                  20,000
                                                                Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts   600   19,400
                                                                Cash at Bank                        4,600
                                                       1,05,000                                   1,05,000

                          Chetan is admitted into parstnership on the following terms:
                          (a)  New profit-sharing ratio of Amit, Baldev and Chetan will be 5 : 3 : 2.
                          (b)  Land and Building is to be appreciated by ` 5,000; Furniture is to be depreciated by 10%, Provision for
                             Doubtful Debts is to be increased by ` 300 and Outstanding Expenses of ` 200 are to be recorded.
                          (c)  Chetan will bring ` 20,000 as his capital and ` 6,000 as his share of goodwill.
                          (d)  The capitals of all the partners will be in their profit-sharing ratio; Amrit and Baldev making the
                             necessary adjustments in cash.
                          Prepare (i) Revaluation Account; (ii) Partners’ Capital Accounts; (iii) Bank Account and (iv) Balance Sheet
                          immediately after recording the above-mentioned transactions.
                                   [Ans.: Gain (Profit) on Revaluation—` 3,500; Capital A/cs: Amrit—` 50,000; Baldev—` 30,000;
                                                                 Chetan—` 20,000; Balance Sheet Total—` 1,30,200.]
                       25.  Jain and Gupta were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4 : 3. The following is
                          the Balance Sheet of the firm as at 31st March, 2018:
                                          BALANCE SHEET OF JAIN AND GUPTA as at 31st March, 2018
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `
                     Sundry Creditors                   20,000  Cash                               14,800
                     Bills Payable                       3,000   Debtors                  20,500
                     Bank Overdraft                     17,000   Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts   300   20,200
                     Capital A/cs:                              Stock                              20,000
                     Jain                      70,000           Plant                              40,000
                     Gupta                     60,000   1,30,000   Building                        75,000
                                                       1,70,000                                   1,70,000
                          They agreed to admit Mishra as partner with effect from 1st April, 2018 with 1/4th share in profits on
                          the following terms:
                          (a)  Mishra will bring in capital to the extent of 1/4th of the total capital of the new firm after all
                             adjustments have been made.
                          (b)  Building is to be appreciated by ` 14,000 and Plant to be depreciated by ` 7,000.
                          (c)  The provision for doubtful debts on Debtors is to be raised to ` 1,000.
                          (d)  Mishra will bring in ` 21,000 as his share of goodwill.
                          Prepare Revaluation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and Balance Sheet of the firm immediately
                          after Mishra’s admission.
                                              [Ans.: Gain (Profit) on Revaluation—` 6,300; Balance Sheet Total—` 2,49,733.]
                          [Hint:  Calculation of  Mishra’s  Capital: Combined Capital of Jain and Gupta (after adjustments) for
                               3/4th share = ` 85,600 + ` 71,700 = ` 1,57,300
                               New Firm’s Total Capital =  ` 1,57,300 × 4/3
                               Mishra’s Capital for 1/4th share = ` 1,57,300 × 4/3 × 1/4 = ` 52,433.]
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