Page 184 - DEBKVOL-1
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Chapter 8  Dissolution of a Partnership Firm  8.9
                     Dr.                              REALISATION ACCOUNT                             Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `
                     To  Debtors                       3,40,000  By  Creditors                    1,50,000
                     To  Stock A/c                     1,50,000   By  Bank A/c (Assets Realised):
                     To  Furniture A/c                 4,60,000      Debtors (` 3,40,000 – 5%)   3,23,000
                     To  Machinery A/c                 8,20,000      Stock                65,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Creditors)          1,50,000      Machinery            74,000   4,62,000
                     To  Hanif’s Capital A/c             8,000   By  Hanif’s Capital A/c           67,500
                        (Realisation Expenses)                     (Stock) (` 75,000 – 10%)
                                                                By  Jubed’s Capital A/c (Furniture)      1,35,000
                                                                By  Loss transferred to:
                                                                   Hanif’s Capital A/c   7,42,333
                                                                   Jubed’s Capital A/c   3,71,167   11,13,500
                                                      19,28,000                                  19,28,000

                     Illustration 7 (Dissolution and Unrecorded Liability).
                     Following is the Balance Sheet of Vishnu, Sanjiv and Sudhir as at 31st March, 2018:
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `
                     Bills Payable                      20,000   Cash/Bank                          8,000
                     Creditors                          18,000  Bills Receivable                   12,000
                     Mrs. Vishnu’s Loan                 20,000  Stock                              25,000
                     Outstanding Salary                  5,000   Sundry Debtors           40,000
                     Investments Fluctuation Fund       10,000   Less:  Provision for
                     Workmen Compensation Reserve       15,000           Doubtful Debts   4,000    36,000
                     Capital A/cs:                              Land and Building                  50,000
                     Vishnu                    40,000           Furniture                          10,000
                     Sanjiv                    30,000           Computer                            5,000
                     Sudhir                    18,000   88,000  Investments                        30,000
                                                       1,76,000                                   1,76,000

                     Profit and loss sharing ratio of the partners is 5 : 3 : 2. On the above date, partners decided to
                     dissolve the firm. The assets realised as follows:
                     Bills  Receivable  were  realised  at  a  discount  of  5%.  All  Debtors  were  good.  Stock  realised
                     ` 22,000. Land and Building realised at 40% higher than the book value. Furniture was sold for
                     ` 8,000 by auction and auctioneer’s commission amounted to ` 500. Computer was taken by
                     Vishnu for an agreed valuation of ` 3,000. Investments were sold in the open market at a price
                     of ` 35,000, for which a commission of ` 600 was paid to the broker. Bills Payable were paid
                     at full amount. Creditors, however, agreed to accept 10% less. All other liabilities were paid at
                     their book value. The firm retrenched their employees three months before the dis solution of
                     the firm and firm had to pay ` 20,000 as compensation. This liability was not appearing in the
                     above Balance Sheet. A Workmen Compensation Claim of ` 5,000 has arisen.
                     Close the books of the firm by preparing Realisation Account, Partners’ Capital Accounts and
                     Bank Account.
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