Page 189 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 189

8.14  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII
                     Solution:                             JOURNAL

                     Date     Particulars                                          L.F.   Dr.  (`)   Cr.  (`)
                             X‘s Capital A/c (` 96,000 – ` 19,200)           ...Dr.       76,800
                                To  Realisation A/c                                                76,800
                             (60% of the stock taken over by X at a discount of 20%)
                             Bank A/c                                        ...Dr.      6,88,800
                                To  Realisation A/c                                               6,88,800
                             (Stock (` 64,000 + ` 12,800), Debtors (` 1,12,000), Land and Building
                              (` 4,90,000) and Investment (` 10,000) realised)
                             Realisation A/c                                 ...Dr.       30,000
                                To  Y’s Capital A/c                                                30,000
                             (Payment made of Mrs. X’s Loan by Y)
                             Realisation A/c                                 ...Dr.      1,17,600
                                To  Bank A/c                                                      1,17,600
                             (Payment made to creditors 90% of  ` 80,000 – ` 4,000 + ` 10,000 and
                             bills payables (` 40,000 – ` 400))
                     Illustration 11.
                     The book value of assets (other than cash and bank) transferred to Realisation Account was
                     ` 5,00,000. 50% of the assets were taken by a partner ‘X’ at a discount of 10%, 40% of the
                     remaining were sold off at a profit of 25% on cost and 10% of the balance being obsolete realised
                     nothing and remaining were handed over to a creditor in full settlement. Give Journal entries
                     to record the realisation of assets.
                     Solution:                             JOURNAL

                     Date     Particulars                                          L.F.   Dr.  (`)   Cr.  (`)
                             X‘s Capital A/c                                 ...Dr.      2,25,000
                             Bank A/c                                        ...Dr.      1,25,000
                                To  Realisation A/c                                               3,50,000
                             (Assets having book value of ` 2,50,000 taken away by ‘X’ for ` 2,25,000
                             and the assets having book value of ` 1,00,000 sold for ` 1,25,000)

                     Illustration 12.
                     The amount of liabilities transferred to Realisation Account was ` 3,50,000. 50% of the liabilities
                     were paid out at a discount of 5%. 50% of the remaining were undertaken by a partner ‘Z’ to
                     pay. Remaining creditors accepted the stock at an agreed value of ` 1,00,000 and cash ` 3,500
                     in full settlement.
                     Give Journal entries to record the payment of liabilities.
                     Solution:                             JOURNAL
                     Date     Particulars                                          L.F.   Dr.  (`)   Cr.  (`)

                             Realisation A/c                                 ...Dr.      2,57,250
                                To  Bank A/c                                                      1,69,750
                                To  Z’s Capital A/c                                                87,500
                             (Payment made to creditors, 50% of ` 3,50,000 – ` 8,750 + ` 3,500 = ` 1,69,750
                             and the liabilities of ` 87,500 undertaken by Z)
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