Page 187 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 187

8.12  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                     Dr.                            PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                     Particulars          A       B       C     Particulars           A      B      C
                                          `       `       `                           `      `      `

                     To  Realisation A/c   55,500   37,000   18,500   By  Balance b/d  80,000  50,000  30,000
                        —Loss                                   By  Realisation A/c   5,500   ...    ...
                     To  Profit and Loss A/c   27,000   18,000   9,000      —Commission
                     To  Cash A/c        4,100*    ...    ...   By  Cash A/c          1,100   5,000   ...
                     To  Cash A/c          ...     ...   2,500      —Cash brought in
                        —Final Payment
                                         86,600  55,000  30,000                      86,600  55,000  30,000

                     *Actual amount spent by A (to realise the assets) is treated as his drawings.

                     Dr.                                 CASH ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `

                     To  Balance b/d                    22,500   By  Realisation A/c—Liabilities Paid      47,000
                     To  Realisation A/c—Assets Realised      1,10,000   By  Realisation A/c (` 65,000 + ` 20,000)      85,000
                     To  A’s Capital A/c—Cash brought in      1,100   By  A’s Capital A/c—Realisation Expenses      4,100
                     To  B’s Capital A/c—Cash brought in      5,000   By  C’s Capital A/c—Final Payment      2,500
                                                       1,38,600                                   1,38,600

                     Illustration 9.

                     X  and  Y were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2.
                     On 31st March, 2018, they decide to dissolve the partnership firm, when the Balance Sheet was
                     as under:
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `

                     Trade Creditors                   1,60,000   Bank                             72,000
                     Bills Payable                      40,000   Stock                            1,60,000
                     Loan from X                        10,000   Debtors                1,32,000
                     Loan from Mrs. X                   30,000   Less: Provisions         12,000   1,20,000
                     Employees’ Provident Fund          26,000   Plant and Machinery               60,000
                     Workmen Compensation Reserve        4,000   Land and Building                 76,000
                     General Reserve                    40,000   Investment (Face Value ` 5,000)      20,000
                     Profit and Loss A/c                30,000   Goodwill                          30,000
                     X’s Capital A/c          1,32,000          Prepaid Insurance                   2,000
                     Y’s Capital A/c           88,000   2,20,000   Deferred Revenue Advertisement Expenses     20,000
                                                       5,60,000                                   5,60,000

                     Note:  There is a bill for ` 5,000 under discount. The bill was received from W.
                     Give necessary Journal entries to record the transfer of  Assets and Liabilities to
                     Realisation Account.
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