Page 42 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 42

2.14  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII
                     Illustration 8.
                     X and Y are partners. As per the terms of agreement interest is allowed on capitals @ 8% p.a.
                     and charged on drawings @ 10% p.a. X withdrew ` 20,000 per month at the end of each month
                     and Y withdrew ` 60,000 at the end of each quarter. You are required to fill up the missing
                     figures (?) in the following accounts:

                                               PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT
                     Dr.                          for the year ended 31st March, 2018                 Cr.
                     Particulars                          `    Particulars                          `
                     To  ?                                ?    By  Profit and loss A/c (Net Profit)      ?
                     To  Interest on Capital A/cs:              By  Interest on Drawings A/cs:
                        X                        80,000            X                         ?
                        Y                          ?   1,44,000    Y                         ?      ?
                     To  Profit transferred to Capital A/cs:
                        X (2/3)                    ?
                        Y (1/3)                 1,40,000   ?
                                                           ?                                        ?

                     Dr.                           PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                         Cr.
                     Particulars                 X (`)   Y (`)  Particulars               X (`)   Y (`)

                     To  ?                         ?      ?    By  ?                        ?       ?
                     To  ?                         ?      ?    By  X’s Salary A/c         1,80,000
                     To  ?                         ?      ?    By  ?                        ?       ?
                                                               By  ?                        ?       ?
                                                   ?      ?                                 ?       ?
                     Solution:                 PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT
                     Dr.                          for the year ended 31st March, 2018                 Cr.
                     Particulars                          `    Particulars                          `

                     To  X’s Salary A/c                1,80,000   By  Profit and loss A/c (Net Profit)      7,24,000
                     To  Interest on Capital A/cs:              By  Interest on Drawings A/cs:
                        X                        80,000            X                      11,000
                        Y                       64,000  1,44,000      Y                    9,000   20,000
                     To  Profit transferred to Capital A/cs:
                        X (2/3)                2,80,000
                        Y (1/3)                 1,40,000  4,20,000
                                                       7,44,000                                   7,44,000

                     Dr.                           PARTNERS’ CURRENT ACCOUNTS                         Cr.
                     Particulars                 X (`)   Y (`)  Particulars               X (`)   Y (`)

                     To  Drawings A/c          2,40,000  2,40,000  By  Balance b/d      10,00,000  8,00,000
                     To  Interest on Drawings A/c    11,000  9,000  By  X’s Salary A/c      1,80,000
                     To  Balance c/d          12,89,000  7,55,000  By  Interest on Capital A/c  80,000  64,000
                                                               By  Profit and Loss App. A/c  2,80,000  1,40,000
                                              15,40,000  10,04,000                      15,40,000  10,04,000
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