Page 196 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 196

Chapter 8  Dissolution of a Partnership Firm  8.21
                     Dr.                                A’S LOAN ACCOUNT                              Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `
                     To  Bank A/c                       40,000   By  Balance b/d                   40,000

                     Dr.                                 BANK ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `
                     To  Balance b/d                    52,000   By  Realisation A/c—Contingent liability      4,000
                     To  Realisation A/c—Debtors        48,000   By  Realisation A/c              2,01,800
                     To  Realisation A/c—Plant and Machinery,      3,09,000      —Creditors, B/P, PF, and Repairs Bill
                        Furniture and Fitting, Building and Goodwill      By  Realisation A/c—Realisation Expenses     8,000
                     To  Realisation A/c—Z               1,000  By  A‘s Loan A/c                   40,000
                                                                By  A’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      1,42,100
                                                                By  B’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)   14,100
                                                       4,10,000                                   4,10,000

                     Note: 1.  Employees’ Provident Fund is a liability.
                          2.  Advertisement Suspense Account is debited to Partners’ Capital Accounts in their profit-sharing ratio.
                     Illustration 18.
                     X, Y and Z were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1. In spite of repeated
                     reminders by the authorities, the partners kept dumping hazardous material into a nearby
                     river. The court ordered for the dissolution of their partnership firm. On 31st March, 2018,
                     their Balance Sheet was as follows:

                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `
                     Creditors                          50,000  Cash                               60,000
                     Bank Loan                          35,000  Debtors                            75,000
                     Employees’ Provident Fund          15,000   Stock                             40,000
                     Investment Fluctuation Reserve      10,000   Investments                      20,000
                     Commission received in Advance      8,000   Plant                             50,000
                     Capital A/cs:                              Profit and Loss A/c                 3,000
                     X’s                       50,000
                     Y’s                       50,000
                     Z’s                       30,000   1,30,000
                                                       2,48,000                                   2,48,000
                     On this date the firm was dissolved. X was appointed to realise the assets. X was to receive
                     5% commission on the sale of assets (except cash) and was to bear all expenses of realisation.
                     X realised the assets as follows:
                     Debtors 20% less, Stock ` 35,500, Investments 80%, Plant 90% of the book value.
                     Expenses  of realisation amounted to  `  7,500  paid  by  the  firm  on  X’s behalf. Commission
                     received in advance was returned to the customers after deducting ` 3,000. Firm had to pay
                     ` 8,500 to outstanding salary not provided for earlier. Compensation paid to employees
                     amounted to 17,000. This liability was not provided for in the above Balance Sheet. ` 20,000
                     has to be paid for Provident Fund.
                     Prepare Realisation Account, Capital Accounts of Partners and Cash Account.
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