Page 98 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 98

5.14  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII
                     They admit  D  into  partnership  from  1st April,  2018  and  give  him  a  share  of  1/8th  in  the
                     rupee on the following terms:
                       (i)  D should bring in ` 4,200 as goodwill and ` 7,000 as capital.
                       (ii)  Furniture be depreciated by 12%.
                      (iii)  The Stock be depreciated by 10%.
                      (iv)  Provision of 5% be created for Doubtful Debts.
                       (v)  The value of Land and Building having over-depreciated, be brought up to ` 31,000.
                      (vi)  After  making  the  above  adjustments,  the  Capital  Accounts  of  the  old  partners  (who
                          continue to share in the same proportion as  before) be adjusted  on the basis  of the
                          proportion of D’s Capital to his share in the business, i.e., cash to be paid or brought
                          in by the old partners, as the case may be.
                     Prepare Profit and Loss Adjustment Account, Cash Account, and opening Balance Sheet of
                     the new firm.

                     Solution:                     In the Books of the Firm
                     Dr.                       PROFIT AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT                     Cr.

                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Furniture A/c                    420   By  Land and Building A/c           7,000
                     To  Stock A/c                       1,400
                     To  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      630
                     To  Gain (Profit) transferred to:
                        A’s Capital A/c (6/14)   1,950
                        B’s Capital A/c (5/14)   1,625
                        C’s Capital A/c (3/14)   975     4,550
                                                         7,000                                      7,000

                     Dr.                                 CASH ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                      900   By  A’s Capital A/c (WN 3)          1,750
                     To  D’s Capital A/c                 7,000   By  B’s Capital A/c (WN 3)         1,625
                     To  Premium for Goodwill A/c        4,200   By  Balance c/d                    9,350
                     To  C’s Capital A/c (WN 3)           625
                                                        12,725                                     12,725

                                            BALANCE SHEET OF A, B, C AND D as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Capital A/cs:  A          21,000           Land and Building                  31,000
                              B                17,500           Furniture                           3,080
                              C                10,500           Debtors                   12,600
                              D                 7,000   56,000  Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts   630   11,970
                     Creditors                           9,000   Stock                             12,600
                     Bills Payable                       3,000  Cash                                9,350
                                                        68,000                                     68,000
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103