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Double Entry Book Keeping - XI (H)

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Double Entry Book Keeping - XI (H)

Author:- CA. (Dr.) G.S. Grewal, T.S. Grewal, H.S. Grewal, R.K. Khosla
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 11
Subject:- Accountancy
Language:- Hindi
ISBN:- 978 81 8350 633 5
414.00 460.00

Book Detail

The textbooks present a modern approach to accounting through the use of accounting equations. They include the necessary material to provide a sound conceptual base in accounting theory.  
Salient Features
 Accounting formats, tables and several diagrams and illustrations pertaining to the entire book-keeping process.
 Systematically planned chapters with learning objectives enumerated at the beginning.
 Large number of examples interspersed throughout the text.
 Summary and essay, short answer and objective type questions  at the end of each chapter.
 Weightage to each topic as per the marks and periods allotted by the CBSE.
 Class-tested and well-graded material.
 Important questions of the previous year examinations solved and included throughout the text.
 Appendix I (Scanner) and Appendix II (Glossary) to facilitate quick reference.

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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