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Essentials of Physical Education-Practical Record: A Textbook for Class 12 (2023-24 Examination)

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Essentials of Physical Education-Practical Record: A Textbook for Class 12 (2023-24 Examination)

Author:- Dr. Loveleena Nadir, Dr. Anil Nadir
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 12
Subject:- Physical Education
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788195933334
211.50 235.00

Book Detail

Essentials of Physical Education – Practical Record for CBSE class XII covers everything that a student is required to learn to fare well in their Practical Test. This book will help students thoroughly understand the nuances of a sport/asana, which is a must for a Practical Test.
Salient Features of the book include:
1. Covers all aspects of the Physical Education syllabus for Practicals
2. Relevant colourful images with the text for easy comprehension of a topic
3. All important details pertaining to a sport/asana covered
4. Easy-to-understand language
5. Student-friendly approach

Pane 2 Content

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