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Informatics Practices with Python: Textbook for CBSE Class XII (2024-25 Examination)

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Informatics Practices with Python: Textbook for CBSE Class XII (2024-25 Examination)

Author:- Preeti Arora
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 12
Subject:- Informatics Practices
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788119446568
580.50 645.00

Book Detail

Programming is important for learning to innovate and create eco-friendly solutions
to global problems. Programming is also important in our day-to-day life to
enhance the power of computers and internet. A significant step towards learning
innovative programming solutions is through Python language which this book has
at its core.
Informatics Practices with Python (065) for Class XII fully meets the latest
syllabus requirements and strictly adheres to guidelines laid down by the CBSE.
This thoroughly revised book deals with detailed concepts of Python Pandas, Data
Visualization, Computer Networks, Relational Database Management System (SQL)
and Societal Impacts.
Python is a popular Object-Oriented Programming Language used both for standalone
programs and scripting applications in a variety of domains. This book adopts a
contemporary approach to the most popular Python library, Pandas, with emphasis on
principles of effective and good programming, such as clarity, legibility and efficiency
in program design. Thus, an interactive programming style has been emphasized and
expressed throughout the book.
The hallmark of this book is that it teaches Python Pandas concepts in detail as well
as usage of several other Python libraries, such as plotting graphs and charts using
Matplotlib. With easy-to-understand examples, practical implementations and other
tools, students will learn how to create and implement Pandas Series and Dataframe
and perform data manipulation and analysis using advanced associated operations.
Ample case studies to understand the basic concepts of Computer Networks with a
student-centred approach have also been provided in the book.
The text of the book has been presented in a friendly and easy-to-comprehend language.
The book contains example programs that are concise and practical besides diagrams
and examples from real-life applications. Tested, debugged and error-free codes with
screenshots have been provided in each chapter.
Based on the CBSE curriculum, the book has been divided into four units:
Unit I: Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization – Chapters 1 and 2
This unit contains two chapters covering fundamentals of Pandas including Series and
Dataframe. Advanced concepts of Pandas such as importing/exporting data between
CSV files and Dataframes have been explained in detail with ample examples and
associated codes.
Apart from the above, detailed concepts of Data Visualization using Matplotlib
in terms of Line Chart, Bar Chart and Histograms have also been thoroughly
Unit II: Database Query using SQL – Chapter 3
This unit covers implementation and usage of SQL functions such as Mathematical,
String, Date and Aggregate functions. It also covers important SQL clauses such as
Group by, Having and Order by along with Set and Join operations in SQL.
Unit III: Introduction to Computer Networks – Chapter 4
This unit covers concepts of Computer Networking, Types of Networks, Network
Devices, Network Topologies, Introduction to Internet and its applications, and
detailed concepts of a Web page, Website and Web browsers.
Unit IV: Societal Impacts – Chapter 5
This unit deals with Digital Footprints, Netiquette, Intellectual Property Rights,
Plagiarism, Licensing, Open Source and Standards, Cybercrime and Cyber Laws,
Hacking, Phishing and Cyberbullying along with the Indian IT Act. This unit also
includes topics on e-waste management and awareness about health concerns related
to the usage of technology.

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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