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Informatics Practices: Textbook for CBSE Class XII

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Informatics Practices: Textbook for CBSE Class XII

Author:- Dr. Archana Agarwal
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 12
Subject:- Informatics Practices
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788183507417
436.50 485.00

Book Detail

The book Informatics Practices has been designed with the precise objective of inculcating programming and IT skills  among  students.  Prudently  based  on  the  revised  CBSE  syllabus  for Informatics Practices (065) for Class XII, the book promises a rich and interactive learning experience for the students. Instead of simply providing chunks of information, it takes a cognitively deviant approach and empowers the students to learn and understand the subject matter with ease.

The main objective of this book is to encourage the use of Open Source Software, such as Java Development Kit (JDK), NetBeans IDE, and the MySQL server. The book provides a strong foundation for the students on different aspects of Information Technology (IT) in an easy-to- understand and comprehensive manner. It aims at enabling students to learn the concepts on their own, without any outside help.

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