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Exploring History & Civics - ICSE X

Quick Overview

Exploring History & Civics - ICSE X

Author:- Shyamantika Sethi
Board:- ICSE
Class:- 10
Subject:- History & Civics
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9789387907669
333.00 370.00

Book Detail

 The book offers an effective and engaging text in a logical and systematic manner to
make assimilation of facts easier and learning of History and Civics more interesting.
Salient Features
F A good mix of relevant illustrations, photographs and maps to reinforce the written
F ‘Points to Remember' in Civics section to understand important terms
F ‘Timeline' in History chapters to keep a ‘period perspective' and understand cause
and effect sequence
F Short Answer and Long Answer Questions for internal assessment
F Solved Board Papers and Guidelines for Project Work as prescribed by the ICSE
F Model Test Papers for practice purpose

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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