Page 49 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 49

Chapter 2  Accounting for Partnership Firms—Fundamentals  2.21
                     Illustration 15 (Appropriation of Profit).
                     Complete the missing amounts (?) in the following accounts:

                     Dr.           PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March, 2018   Cr.
                     Particulars                          `    Particulars                          `
                     To  Partners’ Salary A/c:                  By  Net Profit as per Profit and Loss A/c  3,00,000
                        B’s Current A/c            ?               Less: Interest on B’s Loan
                        C’s Current A/c            ?      ?           (` 20,000 × 6/100)     ?      ?
                     To  Interest on Capital A/c:               By  Interest on Drawings A/c:
                        A’s Current A/c          11,000            A’s Current A/c           ?
                        B’s Current A/c           8,750            B’s Current A/c           ?
                        C’s Current A/c           4,500   24,250     C’s Current A/c         ?      ?
                     To  Profit transferred to Current A/cs:
                        A                          ?
                        B                          ?
                        C                          ?      ?
                                                        3,06,500                                  3,06,500

                     Dr.                           PARTNERS’ CURRENT ACCOUNTS                         Cr.
                     Particulars         A (`)   B (`)   C (`)  Particulars       A (`)   B (`)   C (`)
                     To  Balance b/d              4,000        By  Balance b/d    10,000            5,000
                     To  Drawings A/c     ?        ?      ?    By  Salary A/c             20,000   30,000
                     To  Interest on                           By  Interest on
                        Drawings A/c      3,300   2,200   2,200     Capital A/c     ?        ?      ?
                     To  Balance c/d     38,600   67,450   35,750  By  Profit and Loss
                                                                   App. A/c       92,900   92,900   46,450
                                        1,13,900  1,21,650  85,950               1,13,900  1,21,650  85,950

                     Dr.                           PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                         Cr.
                     Particulars         A (`)   B (`)   C (`)  Particulars       A (`)   B (`)   C (`)
                     To  Bank A/c                        10,000  By  Balance b/d  1,00,000  80,000  50,000
                     To  Balance c/d      ?       ?        ?   By  Bank A/c       20,000   15,000
                                        1,20,000  95,000  50,000                 1,20,000  95,000  50,000
                     Dr.           PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March, 2018   Cr.
                     Particulars                          `    Particulars                          `
                     To  Partners’ Salary A/c:                 By  Net Profit as per Profit and Loss A/c  3,00,000
                        B’s Current A/c         20,000             Less: Interest on B’s Loan
                        C’s Current A/c         30,000   50,000       (` 20,000 × 6/100)   1,200   2,98,800
                     To  Interest on Capital A/c:              By  Interest on Drawings A/c:
                        A’s Current A/c          11,000            A’s Current A/c         3,300
                        B’s Current A/c           8,750            B’s Current A/c         2,200
                        C’s Current A/c           4,500   24,250     C’s Current A/c       2,200    7,700
                     To  Profit transferred to Current A/cs:
                        A                       92,900
                        B                       92,900
                        C                       46,450  2,32,250
                                                        3,06,500                                  3,06,500
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