Page 77 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 77

Chapter 4  Change in Profit-Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners  4.9
                      4.  Dr.                       PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                        Cr.
                     Particulars         Jaspal   Apoorv  Ankit  Particulars        Jaspal   Apoorv  Ankit
                                           `      `       `                           `      `      `
                     To  Jaspal’s Capital A/c   ...   10,000   ...   By  Balance b/d   5,00,000  3,00,000  2,00,000
                     To  Partners’ Current A/cs  2,20,000   ...   44,000   By  Revaluation A/c   10,000   6,000   4,000
                     To  Balance c/d    4,00,000   4,00,000  2,00,000   By  General Reserve A/c   1,00,000   60,000   40,000
                                                                By  Apoorv’s Capital A/c   10,000   ...   ...
                                                                By  Partner’s Current A/c   ...   44,000   ...
                                        6,20,000   4,10,000  2,44,000               6,20,000  4,10,000  2,44,000

                     Illustration 4 (Distribution of General Reserve and Accumulated Profits).
                     A,  B and  C  are  partners  sharing  profits  in  the  ratio  of  3  :  2  :  1.  On  1st  April,  2018,  they
                     decided to share the profits equally. On that date, there was a credit balance of ` 1,20,000
                     in their Profit and Loss Account and ` 60,000 in the General Reserve. Pass necessary Journal
                     entry in the books of the firm.
                     Solution:                             JOURNAL
                     Date    Particulars                                            L.F.   Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)
                     April    1  Profit and Loss A/c                         ...Dr.      1,20,000
                             General Reserve A/c                             ...Dr.       60,000
                                To  A’s Capital A/c                                               90,000
                                To  B’s Capital A/c                                               60,000
                                To  C’s Capital A/c                                               30,000
                             (Undistributed profits and general reserve, transferred to
                             Capital Accounts of the Partners in their old profit-sharing ratio)
                     Illustration 5.
                     Neha,  Anita  and  Aqsa  are  partners  sharing  profits  and  losses  in  the  ratio  4  :  4  :  2.  Their
                     Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2018 was as follows:
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                             `
                     Capital A/cs:                              Buildings                         2,00,000
                     Neha                     3,50,000          Machinery                         3,00,000
                     Anita                    3,00,000          Computers                          50,000
                     Aqsa                     2,50,000   9,00,000   Investments (Market Value ` 1,10,000)      1,50,000
                     Investments Fluctuation Reserve      50,000   Sundry Debtors                 2,00,000
                     Sundry Creditors                   60,000   Cash in Hand                      15,000
                     Outstanding Liabilities             5,000   Cash at Bank                      85,000
                                                                Advertisement Suspense             15,000
                                                      10,15,000                                  10,15,000
                     They decided to share profits and losses equally w.e.f. 1st April, 2018. They agreed that:
                       (i)  The value of Buildings be brought down by 10%.
                       (ii)  The value of Machinery be brought down by 5%.
                      (iii)  A Provision for Doubtful Debts be created @ 5% on Sundry Debtors.
                      (iv)  An unrecorded asset (computer) of value ` 15,000 be brought into books.
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